MAY: I had my baby shower thrown by Aunt Amy. It was so much fun and the baby got pretty much everything he needed! It was great, and loved seeing everyone who came to support my fun day.

JUNE: We finally BOUGHT A HOUSE!! located in Nampa just on the outside of town. Greenhurst/Happy Valley. It's a cute 3 bedroom 21/2 bathroom 1730 sq ft. home. We got an amazing deal on the house and I am so excited to be able to call it "Our Home" I threw Erics neice [my neice in-law] who is my age, a baby shower. She is having a boy and due just a week before me. They're going to be best buds. Fathers day was in June and my mom had this cute idea to pass around my dad for the day. We made shirts that said "Hands off to DAD" but each family had a different color. Our date with my dad was to go get pedicures, so Eric and Dad enjoyed a fun hour of attention from all the ladies getting pedis.

JULY: Eric and I were sealed in the Boise Temple July 8th. It was a very special day. Our family who was able to come were all there to support us on this day. One of Erics brothers wasnt able to make it because they were in Nauvoo for the pageant they put on the month of July, so they called us up that following Sunday and asked us if they could fly us down to Nauvoo and go through the temple with them and watch them in the pageant, of course we did! Who would turn down that fabulous opportunity?? So we went from Thursday-Saturday and it too was such a neat experience. We just got back from McCall from celebrating the yearly Christensen "family reunion" at this beautiful cabin belonging to my sister-in-law Kim's family. It is so much fun to go and relax up there. Boating, Jet Skiing, and being with the family is so nice, it's like our own mini piece of paradise. My parents were able to come up for a couple days to spend with us up there as well, which was so nice to have them there. They really enjoyed themselves and the company of the Christensen Family.

August is coming up and I am anxiously preparing/waiting for this little guy to come! August 29th is our due date, but i'm secretly hoping he comes on his own a little sooner! His room is somewhat put together just waiting on a few things to get the final touches up. I am also in my Best Friend Taylers wedding August 13th, which is in McCall. So excited to spend her special day with her and be apart of it!