Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 Is Bumpin.

After a year of trying and patiently waiting it is official.. 9 weeks along and going strong. We are so excited to finally have a little one. Yes, we will find out what we will be having, because I dont see how I could last 9 months, I can barely last 20 weeks without finding out.

My first apt was January 10th and we were able to hear the heartbeat! I found out my Due Date will be August 29th.

I will keep you all updated with everything along the way!


Tayler said...

Yayyyy!!! Can't wait to be an auntie! I love you guys!

Unknown said...

We are so excited for you!!! You have to tell me what youre having so I can start creating! If you go to a 3d ultrasound place, they can tell you the sex at 16-17 weeks!

Karen Mortensen said...

I am so happy for you. All the best.

Erica said...

I wish that NYC auntie could be there with you for the next 9 months...okay..maybe the next 9 years..but I will love you and the little nugget all the way from the big apple. I'm just happy that auntie tayler is at least near to take care of you. <3

Jon and Bri said...

CONGRATS!! Thats so exciting!!!:)